
Oh My Goodness! It is your senior year!

This is one of the most exciting moments of your life so far, so lets celebrate it! I want to capture all the things you love about your high school/college career to date, whether it be you in your high school sports uniform, or the instrument you practiced playing for countless hours or the pet that helped you survive those late night study sessions. Bring it all and lets celebrate this milestone! During our time together I promise there will be plenty of laughs! I can't wait to hear about all that you have accomplished, along with what you dream of doing once you have your diploma/degree in your hand. Most importantly I will be your biggest cheerleader from the time we meet till the end of time! I want you to crush all your dreams as badly as you do.

We offer a few differently styled sessions, that are tailored for our seniors. These sessions allow you to summarize the teen you are throughout the year. Check out The Senior Summary for more information!